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A super PAC supporting Nathan Hochman, who is challenging George Gascon for Los Angeles County district attorney, is out with a new ad highlighting the shooting deaths of two El Monte police officers in June of 2022.

In the ad - seen first on ABC7 - El Monte police officer and union president Wyatt Reneer says the gunman in the shooting was released early from jail because of Gascon's policies.

"As police, we put our lives on the line every day to protect the public, but we need a district attorney that will protect you and us. That's Nathan Hochman," Reneer says in the ad.


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An independent expenditure committee backing Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles District Attorney is out with two new ads today featuring prominent moderate Democrats and local business owners.

One of the ads, funded by Working Families, First Responders, and Small Businesses for a Safer LA County, features Assemblymembers Blanca Pacheco and Freddie Rodriguez, along with a slate of other local Los Angeles Democratic leaders calling for action to reduce retail theft and violent crime. The independent committee has so far raised nearly $3 million for Hochman and spent $1 million...

The second ad from the committee features Santa Monica City Councilmember Lana Negrete, who owns a music store that was burglarized in 2020 — and slams Gascon for his response.


“When I asked George Gascon for help, he told me to buy stronger glass,” she says in the ad.

AUGUST 16, 2024 / NEWS

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A coalition of first responders, law enforcement groups, labor unions, Republicans and moderate Democrats are launching a new independent expenditure committee today to boot Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon from office...

The committee, Working Families, First Responders, and Small Businesses for a Safer LA County, plans to launch a seven-figure digital media ad buy in support of Hochman this summer. As of this week, the group had raised $2 million. You can catch a preview of the first ad here...

The supporters of the new Hochman-focused IE include Democratic Assemblymembers Blanca Pacheco and Blanca Rubio, leader of the body’s moderate Democratic caucus. Also backing it are former Los Angeles County DA Jackie Lacey — who lost her seat to Gascon in 2020 — and Republican County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, as well as the Peace Officers Research Association of California, or PORAC.

JULY 10, 2024 / NEWS

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Los Angeles County's Head Deputy District Attorney Maria Ramirez is endorsing Nathan Hochman to unseat DA George Gascon in the upcoming election.

AUGUST 30, 2024 / VIDEO

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